An extraterrestrial race arrives on Earth with seemingly good intentions, only to slowly reveal their true machinations the more ingrained into society they become.

[Nathan Bates is apparently collaborating with the Visitors]
Mike Donovan: We know Bates is in bed with Diana.
Willie: Really? I did not know that.
Elias Taylor: It's a figure of speech, Willie.
Willie: With Diana... one never knows.
Lydia: You know, I've never lost in mortal combat.
Diana: Idiot. If you had, you'd be dead.
[Kyle has hidden a special courier message, the Resistance wants it]
Ham Tyler: I'll stand on your neck if don't.
[give the message]
Mike Donovan: And you don't want that.
Mike Donovan: I thought you can drive.
Ham Tyler: I thought you can shoot.
Willie: [playing piano and singing off-key] Deck the halls with lousy folly/Fa la la la la, la la la la/Tis the evening scruffy molly/Fa la la la la, la la la la/Don't we know how gay a carol/Fa la la, la la la, la la la/Holy moly Yule Tide carol/Fa la la la la, la la...
[Visitor customer cuts Willie off]
Visitor customer: [yanks Willie off the piano] That's terrible. Take a walk!
[shoves Willie away, sits down at the piano, and starts playing]
Dr. Julie Parrish: Willie, are you all right?
Willie: Yes. He only injured my prize.
Diana: The scorpion?
Lydia: I ate it. And I saved the best part for you.
[throws the tail at Diana]