Valentina Tereshkova — Russian Astronaut born on March 06, 1937,

Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova is a Russian former cosmonaut. She is the first woman to have flown in space, having been selected from more than four hundred applicants and five finalists to pilot Vostok 6 on 16 June 1963. In order to join the Cosmonaut Corps, Tereshkova was honorarily inducted into the Soviet Air Force and thus she also became the first civilian to fly in space... (wikipedia)

Once you've been in space, you appreciate how small and fragile the Earth is.
I felt fine after 24 hours and asked the state commission to prolong my stay in space to three days. And I carried out the entire schedule. Could I have done that if I had been half-dead?
If women can be railroad workers in Russia, why can't they fly in space?
They forbade me from flying, despite all my protests and arguments. After being once in space, I was desperately keen to go back there. But it didn't happen.
Anyone who has spent any time in space will love it for the rest of their lives. I achieved my childhood dream of the sky.