There's a natural law of karma that vindictive people, who go out of their way to hurt others, will end up broke and alone.
You don't hear TV cops griping because they have to enforce some Draconian law that shouldn't be on the books in the first place, or lamenting vindictive excesses in sentencing. Hollywood, supposedly a frothing cauldron of liberalism, has always been conservative on crime.
Clinton's egregious act of self-indulgence was outdone by an impeachment based not on constitutionally required high crimes and misdemeanors but on a vindictive determination to bring down a president who had offended self-righteous moralists eager to put a different political agenda in place.
I'm opinionated, but I'm not a vindictive person and I never say anything unprovoked, either.
I think sometimes women who are supposed to be strong are also written as mean and vindictive.
The most important thing is the indigenous people are not vindictive by nature. We are not here to oppress anybody - but to join together and build Bolivia, with justice and equality.
It is tragic that some Christians have been so battered with stories of a prideful, vindictive God that they have fled from Jesus' fold.
It is not true that suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive.
The way the Establishment deals with people like me is to ignore them. When you become unignorable, they will try to smear you, and that's what I feared for a long time. Now I have somehow vaulted into this space where it's difficult for someone to smear me because it would look as though they were being vindictive and spiteful.
When men cut jobs, they're seen as decisive. When women do, they're vindictive.