Alexis Korner — English Musician born on April 19, 1928, died on January 01, 1984

Alexis Korner was a British blues musician and radio broadcaster, who has sometimes been referred to as "a founding father of British blues". A major influence on the sound of the British music scene in the 1960s, Korner was instrumental in bringing together various English blues musicians... (wikipedia)

The British feel of blues has been hard, rather than emotional. Far too much emphasis on 12 bar, too little attention to words, far too little originality.
I must have been heavily schizophrenic all my life. The me who hears what the other me can't play is the dominant one.
I guess music, particularly the blues, is the only form of schizophrenia that has organised itself into being both legal and beneficial to society.
I can't explain why one wants to pass a particular sort of pain onto other people, but you do.
If the same phrase in the same place created the right effect, I was perfectly prepared to use it every time. I wasn't worried that I wasn't improvising.