Amy Seimetz — American Writer

Amy Lynne Seimetz is an American actress, writer, producer, director, and editor. She has appeared in series such as AMC's The Killing and HBO's Family Tree... (wikipedia)

Boredom is usually what spurs either bad decisions or any decision at all.
If you're constantly moving, you can get in a monotony that's just as equally boring as sitting still for a long period of time.
I live in Florida and people are crazy here. And I say that lovingly.
I like to invest as a performer in the director's vision and then bring a sense of reality to whatever I'm doing, whether it's comedy or whether it's drama, and trust that they're going to tell me if something's reading as funny or if it's reading as dramatic or reading in the right tone.
I don't think that there's necessarily a side to drama that has to be completely bleak. You have to have a flicker of humor 'cause everyone has a flicker of humor, something they find funny in life.