Andrew Dominik — New Zealander Director born on October 07, 1967,

Andrew Dominik is a New Zealand-born Australian film director and screenwriter. He has directed the crime film Chopper, the Western drama film The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford and the neo-noir crime film Killing Them Softly... (wikipedia)

There's been about 75 movies about Jesse James, and I've seen about four of them. He's usually portrayed as this plucky rebel who's got no choice but to turn to crime, because the railway's hassling his mother. But he wasn't like that.
Actors have either got to play something that's close to them, or something that's the complete opposite.
America's moved so much of its production and manufacturing offshore, it's become a nation of middlemen.
In Australia, we point out a person's weaknesses as a way of saying 'I see you and I accept you'. If you do that with Americans, they instantly take offence.
Americans are not renowned for having a sense of irony.