Andrew von Eschenbach —

Andrew C. von Eschenbach (born October 30, 1941 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) was the Commissioner of the United States Food and Drug Administration from 2006–2009. He became acting Commissioner on September 26, 2005, after the resignation of his predecessor Lester Crawford, and was confirmed as Commissioner by the Senate on December 7, 2006. He was previously the 12th director of the National Cancer Institute... (wikipedia)

We will continue to do all we can to protect the public health against these dietary supplements that have been found to cause serious illness and injury.
Over the past decade, prescribing information has grown more and more complex, more and more dense and more difficult to negotiate.
Our purpose in this project is to begin to turn that fear of cancer, actually America's greatest fear, into a future, not only free of fear, but full of hope.