My attention span is all over the place, and I overthink things. I'm an insomniac.
According to USA today, the average length of an attention span of a man in America is 23 minutes.
I don't have much of an attention span for TV - I nod off during the basketball playoffs - but when I watch 'Game of Thrones' on On Demand, I'm glued to the set. It's mystical and addictive. Tyrion Lannister, that's my man.
On every Bright Eyes record, there's some kind of sound collage that begins it. Some of them have dialogue, some don't. I like it because it can kind of slow down the attention span a bit. It's a way to draw you in to the rest of the record.
A fellow with the inventiveness of Albert Einstein but with the attention span of Daffy Duck.
I'm not really one for reading books. I have a very poor attention span. I'd rather listen to music, play games or watch films on my iPad.
My short attention span has allowed me a life of diversity in work and place.
I have the attention span of a mosquito from multitasking and all the things that have affected my poor little brain.
I have no attention span. I get bored so fast.
I would never have been a good scientist - my attention span was too short for that.