Austin O'Brien — American Actor born on May 11, 1981,

Austin Taylor O'Brien is an American actor and photographer. He may be best known for playing the co-lead Danny Madigan in the Arnold Schwarzenegger-movie Last Action Hero, followed by his turn into romance as Nick Zsigmond in My Girl 2, a part in both The Lawnmower Man and its sequel. and as Josh Greene in CBS Drama Promised Land... (wikipedia)

I know I need to watch myself because I don't want anyone to think I'm snobby or stuck up. I have to be real careful. I don't want to hurt my Christian witness.
I do get to have my normal childhood. I just love to get together with my friends and family and have a good time.
I really believe God has put me in the entertainment business, and he's taken real good care of me along the way. I want to do all I can to give him all the credit.