Bill Gurley — American Businessman born on May 10, 1966,

Bill Gurley is a general partner at Benchmark, a Silicon Valley venture capital firm in Menlo Park, California. He is listed consistently on the Forbes Midas List and is considered one of “technology’s top dealmakers.".. (wikipedia)

It is critical to bundle all future variable costs of supporting the customer in order to fairly estimate the future contribution.
I think one thing that may have happened with both Facebook and Zynga is that they may have waited too long to go public. They got particularly cute on that front.
Having an investor on your board of directors who is naive about public markets or finds them complex or scary is non-optimal.
It's really hard to run a business against somebody who is not acting as if it were in business.
Marketing executives like big budgets, as big budgets make it easier to grow the top line.