Grief falls upon human beings as the rain, not selecting good or evil, visiting the innocent, condemning those who have done no wrong.
I think that rather than condemning Islam, Islam needs to be studied by those who are sincere.
As long as you don't make waves, ripples, life seems easy. But that's condemning yourself to impotence and death before you are dead.
I'm by no means condemning prescription medicine for mental health. I've seen it save a lot of people's lives.
No presidential candidate should visit Las Vegas without condemning organized gambling.
I urge the citizens of Ferguson who have been peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights to join with law enforcement in condemning the actions of looters, vandals and others seeking to inflame tensions and sow discord.
The PLO and the Palestinian people adhere to the renouncement of violence and rejection and condemning of terrorism in all its forms, especially State terrorism, and adhere to all agreements signed between the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel.
The virtue of some people consists wholly in condemning the vices in others.
When the courts decide that murderers, rapists, and others who maliciously break our social contract deserve health care that most working Americans can't afford, they are condemning good people to death.
I do not think that condemning people who murder and killing them necessarily sends out the right message.