David Zucker — American Director born on October 16, 1947,

David Zucker may refer to:.. (wikipedia)

Quit now, you'll never make it. If you disregard this advice, you'll be halfway there.
I don't really know a lot of famous people. I've met a lot of famous people. If I ran into Tom Hanks today, I would have to remind him who I was and he would then remember me. But he wouldn't come up to me and say, 'Hi Dave!'
I think up until the point when we started in the business, which was in the early '70s, most of the humor was political. The smart humor was political satire.
Oh yeah, I believe in God. I think there's much more evidence that there is a God than that there isn't. I don't believe that Mother Theresa and Hitler go to the same place.
It didn't happen every time for every movie. Ruthless People was a good movie, but we didn't get a good release or marketing. They completely blew the opening.