Diane Cilento — Australian Actress born on October 05, 1933,

Diane Cilento was an Australian theatre and film actress and author... (wikipedia)

I spoke French a bit, and I could speak a bit of this and that, and when you were taught those things by people who couldn't really do it, you can do some pretty wonderfully, imaginative horrific things to teachers.
I sort of was good at writing essays. I was never very good at mathematics, and I was never very good at algebra. I loved science, but I wasn't sure of it.
I got through my teen years by being a bit of a clown.
Very quickly, without really looking back or trying, I was just suddenly lifted into another sphere.
I was often very, incredibly naughty, and if I didn't come home at tea time I used to be sent to bed without any dinner. But people used to bring me things: I was better fed in bed.