Dieter Rams — German Designer born on May 20, 1932,

Dieter Rams is a German industrial designer closely associated with the consumer products company Braun and the Functionalist school of industrial design. His unobtrusive approach and belief in "less but better" design generated a timeless quality in his products and have influenced the design of many products, which also secured Rams worldwide recognition and appreciation... (wikipedia)

Good design is making something intelligible and memorable. Great design is making something memorable and meaningful.
Design should not dominate things, should not dominate people. It should help people. That's its role.
As designers, we have a great responsibility.
Quiet is better than loud.
I am not an early bird. I go to bed normally between midnight and 1 o'clock, so it is understandable that I cannot be an early bird. I wake up around 9 o'clock.