Turkey was fantastic, Turkey was, like, mystical and such a special place. Just unique, something that's really hard to describe, such beauty, those mountains and the stone is kind of, eroded? Special erosion which makes what you see just something that seems, it's been made for a movie, it's like something out of fantasy, except it's real.
A nice, easy place for freedom of speech to be eroded is comics, because comics are a natural target whenever an election comes up.
The value of the minimum wage shouldn't be eroded, and it has been.
All our rights are gradually eroded as government gets bigger.
We're going to be very strong with employers in all of our aspects, because I think there's been too much of this idea let's try and get along here, and we've eroded some of our standards.
Our alliances and our credibility are crucial elements of our working capital in advancing America's interests in the world, and they have been eroded over the last four years.
The way I think liberties get eroded is not that all of a sudden you become an Orwellian state, but gradually it becomes harder for people with unpopular views to speak out without being in danger, be it from the state or just from the majority of the people who don't like them.
'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
TV has lost a lot of its self-confidence as its power has been eroded by the internet.
There used to be this real sense of community integrity in rock. It has really eroded. Everyone seems to be on their own now.