Evan Goldberg — Canadian Producer born on December 30, 1982,

Evan Goldberg is a Canadian screenwriter, film producer and director. Goldberg is known for his collaborations with his childhood friend, actor-writer-producer Seth Rogen. They have collaborated on several films, starting with the comedy Superbad, which they first conceived as teenagers, Pineapple Express, This Is the End, which was their directorial debut, and The Interview... (wikipedia)

'The Hangover' was, like, solid. I laughed a bit, you know. Seven out of 10, maybe. But I made it 32 minutes into 'Hangover 2' before I walked out.
All my cousins are almost old enough to start seeing my movies. I'm going to have some 'splainin' to do.
I don't fully understand my wife's emotions - and I'm supposed to write an excellent female character and unravel the secret of women?
I went to a Christian all-boys' college one time to pick up my buddies so we could go play baseball, and I just remember walking through the halls, and there's all these crucified Jesuses. It's scary.
Everyone knows that in Hollywood, when you're hot, you've got to run with it. Because eventually they kick you out.