Gavin O'Connor — American Director

Gavin O'Connor may refer to:.. (wikipedia)

I always intended the title, 'WARRIOR,' to be about spiritual warfare and warrior lives outside of the cage.
Sundance is going to be a defining moment in my life. But the unfortunate thing about Sundance is, when you have a film there, you can't have the opportunity to see other films.
The thing about Moby Dick is that, at heart, it's a very simple plot - there's only one white whale in the ocean. When you're a boy growing up in a hostile home, you imagine it's unique: it's happening only to you.
Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to make films. That's really all I ever wanted to do.
I always say to my agents, you go through one of these big kind of movies, everyone makes money, but like, I said, 'I'm the one who's gotta go make it, and if I don't have my heart in it, and it's like a love affair, I'm not going to do a good job. Then, and I don't want to just get paid. I just, I don't want to do that.'