Gioconda Belli — American Author born on December 09, 1948,

Gioconda Belli is a Nicaraguan author, novelist and poet... (wikipedia)

There is nothing quixotic or romantic in wanting to change the world. It is possible. It is the age-old vocation of all humanity.
The world has always gone forward when people have dared to have crazy ideas.
There is a biological power that is intrinsic to the woman, to the female condition. Because you are able to give life. You are the reproducer of the species. Men feel very weak in front of a woman because a woman is capable of eliciting a number of instincts in a man. And that is what has made men very nervous about women.
Sexuality surrounds us like a dangerous aura. The same reverence that is given to the spirit is not given to the flesh. We have had a sexual revolution, but the sexual revolution only has made sex more pervasive. It hasn't granted the level of reverence and respect that it should have.
We have built our identities in many respects based on the guilt-ridden stories we have been told about our creation. For women, it is a very damning knowledge to be portrayed as curious and careless seductresses.