There's something about the schedule of working in TV that's attractive. You know exactly what the next six months is going to be like: You'll work Monday through Friday and have the weekends off, and then there's going to be a hiatus here, so you can kind of plan a little bit.
This hiatus coming up I'm looking at a comedy because I need the balance.
Right now I just want to chill for a while. Take a hiatus from all the craziness. To clean my house, see my family. Just see some movies and pick some strawberries.
I'm envious of actors. You shoot a movie or you do a season of 'Big Love,' and then you're on hiatus and you have a bunch of free time.
Suddenly Star Wars came out while we were on hiatus, and we looked like the old Buck Rogers series, where they had cigarette smoke blowing out the back of the rocket ship.
My hiatus timeline is so minimal, there's only a select number of projects that I can go in for.
If there's one thing I discovered since I came back from hiatus, it's that you can't go backwards.
I usually spend the hiatus of 'Dexter' in New York in a way to balance things.
I think any kind of hiatus one takes in an artistic journey is going to make a huge difference. The pause will inform the choices that you make.
There's still a massive inequality between the genders. If you look at the trajectory of a male actor's career, there's no hesitation or hiatus. But women after the age of 35 to 40 are rarely placed in the centre of the story.