Check out London, Manhattan, Aspen and East Hampton real estate prices, as well as high-end art prices, to see what the leading edge of hyperinflation could look like.
My taste in watching things runs from dramas and low-budget films to high-end fantasy/science fiction.
I really love Paul Smith. And Chrome Hearts. They make the most beautiful, high-end leather and outerwear and jewelry you've ever seen. But I'm not a big fan of shopping. I certainly am a fan of clothes and especially people that put time into the construction of them.
The quality of TV drama nowadays is getting better and better. They've had to invent a new term for it: 'high-end television.'
Everything I do is unfabulous. I'm the most normal person. I love walking everywhere and going to hole-in-the-wall places, like nail shops, because they do the best job. And I go to vintage stores rather than high-end boutiques, because I like to dress different from other people.
Parikrma aims to give underprivileged children an equal chance at education so they can integrate with kids of private schools and, later, with the society. I want these children to hold high-end jobs at multinational companies and not work at the lower end of the spectrum.
I am a chameleon when it comes the way I dress. I am constantly changing it up, and I really can't commit to one thing because dressing for the day or for an event is really a mood thing. I like variety, and I don't mean just designers, I mean mixing the high-end garments and the cheaper clothing.
Socially smart people have always mocked the threateningly mobile, and anti-branding is a central strand of high-end status conflict now.
Somerset desperately needs more high-end music making on its doorstep, so the chance to share great music spanning genres as diverse as orchestral classics, trip hop and jazz, in the utterly relaxed and cathartic environment of a Somerset field, is for me the fulfilment of a long-term dream.
I grew up very poor, so I learned how to stretch a dollar. It's nice to combine high-end with low-end or whatever-end you want.