It is deeply shocking and incomprehensible to me that despite volumes of documentation and living witnesses who can attest to the horrors of the Holocaust, there are still those who would deny it.
All true language is incomprehensible, like the chatter of a beggar's teeth.
That's the way it is with poetry: When it is incomprehensible it seems profound, and when you understand it, it is only ridiculous.
I think the avant-garde often hides itself in the highly incomprehensible because they are frustrated that the real world is so boring.
To believe that the United States is post-racial requires an almost incomprehensible inability or unwillingness to stare truth in the face.
Infinity is a way to describe the incomprehensible to the human mind. In a way, it notates a mystery. That kind of mystery exists in relationships. A lifetime is not enough to know someone else. It provides a brief glimpse.
A tree is an incomprehensible mystery.
After a crisis we tell ourselves we understand why it happened and maintain the illusion that the world is understandable. In fact, we should accept the world is incomprehensible much of the time.
I think the biggest challenge for Somalia has been the sense that it is a hopeless case of incomprehensible internal conflicts and there is nothing we can do.
Cyberspace is colonising what we used to think of as the real world. I think that our grandchildren will probably regard the distinction we make between what we call the real world and what they think of as simply the world as the quaintest and most incomprehensible thing about us.