James E. Rogers — American Educator

James E. "Jim" Rogers was an American entrepreneur and former attorney. He served as interim chancellor of the Nevada System of Higher Education and the University of Arizona College of Law carried his name... (wikipedia)

We Americans have the great gifts of freedom and democracy, but it has been our education system that has fulfilled the promise of democracy.
You may not be aware of a recent survey that showed that if the First Amendment were put to a popular vote today, it would fail by a 60% to 40% vote.
I come from a profession which has suffered greatly because of the lack of civility. Lawyers treat each other poorly and it has come home to haunt them. The public will not tolerate a lack of civility.
When in doubt, one can rarely go wrong by going public.
Nevada has a world-class economy. It will only build a world-class culture with world-class research universities coupled with the Desert Research Institute.