James Redfield — American Author born on March 19, 1950,

James Redfield is an American author, lecturer, screenwriter and film producer. He is notable for his novel The Celestine Prophecy... (wikipedia)

If you've ever walked a mile into a virgin forest - you know, like a deep forest where trees have been uncut - the energy is totally different from the shopping mall.
Fundamentalists from every religion have to be replaced, have to be disempowered.
There's a destiny for everybody. The world is set up - as foreign as that can be to some people who are very materialistic - but there is a force in this world, once we step into it, that opens doors for us, that gives us a sense of purpose and the greatest life there is, in my view.
I try not to recommend too many books, frankly, because I think there's a certain synchronicity that happens when people discover books.
A lot of people are simply interested in exploring their own spirituality, their own values, who they are, whether they're happy where they are.