Jane Elliot — American Actress born on January 17, 1947,

Jane Elliot is an American actress, best known for her role as Tracy Quartermaine in the ABC daytime soap opera, General Hospital... (wikipedia)

We don't need a melting pot in this country, folks. We need a salad bowl. In a salad bowl, you put in the different things. You want the vegetables - the lettuce, the cucumbers, the onions, the green peppers - to maintain their identity. You appreciate differences.
Somebody has to wear the black hat and give the audience someone to shake their fists at. They want someone to hate. And if that's what you want to pay me to do, I'm happy to do it!
Age is how we determine how valuable you are.
Education in this country is about how to maintain the status quo and to perpetuate racism.
I loved raising my kids. I loved the process, the dirt of it, the tears of it, the frustration of it, Christmas, Easter, birthdays, growth charts, pediatrician appointments. I loved all of it.