Jean Racine — French Dramatist born on December 22, 1639, died on April 21, 1699

Jean Racine, baptismal name Jean-Baptiste Racine, was a French dramatist, one of the three great playwrights of 17th-century France, and an important literary figure in the Western tradition. Racine was primarily a tragedian, producing such "examples of neoclassical perfection" as Phèdre,Andromaque, and Athalie, although he did write one comedy, Les Plaideurs, and a muted tragedy,Esther, for the young... (wikipedia)

There are no secrets that time does not reveal.
The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love.
I embrace my rival, but only to strangle him.
On the throne, one has many worries; and remorse is the one that weighs the least.
Hell, covering all with its gloomy vapors, has cast shadows on even the holiest eyes.