Jim Bankoff — American Businessman born on December 23, 1969,

James Philip "Jim" Bankoff is Chairman and CEO of Vox Media and is also a Senior Advisor for Providence Equity Partners. As the former Executive Vice President of Programming and Products at AOL, Bankoff has developed and led many notable websites including Aol.com, Mapquest, Moviefone, AOL Music, Netscape and AOL Instant Messenger . He is also known for establishing websites TMZ, Fanhouse, BloggingStocks and Engadget. He was awarded an Emmy Award for his role as Executive Producer of the Live 8 concerts online, for which there were a total of 74 entries which had been whittled down to six finalists. It was the first Emmy ever to be awarded for non-traditional viewing platforms... (wikipedia)

AOL was a roller coaster ride. I was lucky and privileged to be a part of it, both the ups and the downs.
I've always said that if you can get the best people who are good at what they do, but more importantly are passionate about what they do, you'll succeed.
When you invest in high-quality brands, it pays off with high-quality audiences and, ultimately, high-quality advertising rates.
I think it's even more important to have quality in this era of Web media than it has ever been. The fusion of platform technology plus talent is what the next wave is all about, and that's where Vox Media is positioned.
When I was at AOL, I was always on the web media side while much of the company was focused on the ISP business. We focused on big categories like celebrities and sports, and we created brands around that category like AOL Celebrities, AOL Movies and Fanhouse.