John Cho — American Actor born on June 16, 1972,

John Yohan Cho is a South Korean born American actor and musician. He starred as Harold Lee in the Harold & Kumar films and played the character John, MILF Guy No. 2 who popularized the term "MILF" in the American Pie films. He also starred in the critically acclaimed Asian American films Better Luck Tomorrow and Yellow... (wikipedia)

For me, the most interesting thing is longevity and sustaining a career, because that's what's truly difficult.
With acting, you are a small part of the creative process, and sometimes it is hard to feel like you are making an impact.
It'd be nice if Asian actors could be perceived as profitable, which is the bottom line. We're perceived as not mattering much fiscally.
You know, I always root for the older athlete. I root for the second album. I root for solo careers after the rock star breaks the band apart.
'Lost' was a phenomenon, like Elvis.