John George Nicolay — American Writer born on February 26, 1832, died on September 26, 1901

John George Nicolay was a German-born American biographer, secretary of US President Abraham Lincoln and member of the German branch of the Nicolay family... (wikipedia)

Nobody understood better than Mr. Lincoln the obvious truth that in politics it does not suffice merely to nominate candidates. Something must also be done to elect them.
It may be assumed as an axiom that Providence has never gifted any political party with all of political wisdom or blinded it with all of political folly.
While Lincoln thus became a lawyer, he did not cease to remain a politician.
Activity in politics also produces eager competition and sharp rivalry.
Lincoln's stature and strength, his intelligence and ambition - in short, all the elements which gave him popularity among men in New Salem, rendered him equally attractive to the fair sex of that village.