John Pilger — Australian Journalist born on October 09, 1939,

John Richard Pilger is an Australian-born journalist based in London. Pilger has lived in the United Kingdom since 1962. Since his early years as a war correspondent in Vietnam, Pilger has been a strong critic of American, Australian and British foreign policy, which he considers to be driven by an imperialist agenda. Pilger has also criticised his native country's treatment of indigenous Australians and the practices of the mainstream media... (wikipedia)

Official truths are often powerful illusions.
I grew up in Sydney in a very political household, where we were all for the underdog.
Orwell is almost our litmus test. Some of his satirical writing looks like reality these days.
I'm absolutely convinced of that. Israel is the representative of the United States in that part of the world. Its policies are so integrated with American policies that they use the same language.
Classic nineteenth century European imperialists believed they were literally on a mission. I don't believe that the imperialists these days have that same sense of public service. They are simply pirates.