Kip Winger — American Musician born on June 21, 1961,

Charles Frederick Kip Winger is an American rock musician, a member of the rock band Winger, and a solo artist... (wikipedia)

Throughout the years I have tried to hone my skills to gain mastery over the music in my head.
I was really into Black Sabbath, but heavy guitars can really be very limiting, it's a great frequency and it's great fun to listen to but on the other hand, musically you can do a lot more without it.
Rock stardom and all that stuff like that was never like my main M.O., my main M.O. is musical growth, and if I become a rock star in the process, great!
I think it's important to know your limitations too.
We tune down a full step when we play but I never miss a note. I've learned how to keep my voice.