Lee De Forest — American Inventor born on August 26, 1873, died on June 30, 1961

Lee de Forest was an American inventor, self-described "Father of Radio", and a pioneer in the development of sound-on-film recording used for motion pictures. He had over 180 patents, but also a tumultuous career—he boasted that he made, then lost, four fortunes. He was also involved in several major patent lawsuits, spent a substantial part of his income on legal bills, and was even tried for mail fraud. His most famous invention, in 1906, was the three-element "grid Audion", which, although he had only a limited understanding of how it worked, provided the foundation for the development of vacuum tube technology... (wikipedia)

To place a man in a multi-stage rocket and project him into the controlling gravitational field of the moon where the passengers can make scientific observations, perhaps land alive, and then return to earth - all that constitutes a wild dream worthy of Jules Verne.
While theoretically and technically television may be feasible, commercially and financially it is an impossibility.
Short waves will be generally used in the kitchen for roasting and baking, almost instantaneously.