Leon Trotsky — Russian Revolutionary born on October 26, 1879, died on August 21, 1940

Leon Trotsky was a Marxist revolutionary and theorist, Soviet politician, and the founding leader of the Red Army... (wikipedia)

Life is not an easy matter... You cannot live through it without falling into frustration and cynicism unless you have before you a great idea which raises you above personal misery, above weakness, above all kinds of perfidy and baseness.
Where force is necessary, there it must be applied boldly, decisively and completely. But one must know the limitations of force; one must know when to blend force with a maneuver, a blow with an agreement.
The historic ascent of humanity, taken as a whole, may be summarized as a succession of victories of consciousness over blind forces - in nature, in society, in man himself.
Old age is the most unexpected of all things that happen to a man.
The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end.