Lyle Lovett — American Musician born on November 01, 1956,

HIDDEN ERROR: Usage of "Alma_Mater" is not recognized.. (wikipedia)

You don't have to have anything in common with people you've known since you were five. With old friends, you've got your whole life in common.
It's important to be successful enough to be able to keep doing what you love.
Horses teach you patience and how to do things the right way so you can get the right result.
Dad often told me, 'My job is to help my boss do his job and make him look good.' That was my dad's objective. Everything about the way he conducted himself was to communicate support for his superiors and respect for his coworkers. The way he dressed was his starting point in that communication.
I don't feel like I'm on a mission. I'm trying to play music that I like to play and like to listen to.