Mark Z. Jacobson — American Scientist

Mark Zachary Jacobson is professor of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford University and director of its Atmosphere and Energy Program. Jacobson develops computer models about the effects of different energy technologies and their emissions on air pollution and climate. According to Jacobson, a speedy transition to clean, renewable energy is required to reduce the potential acceleration of global warming, including the disappearance of the Arctic Sea ice. This change will also eliminate 2.5-3 million deaths worldwide each year, related to air pollution, and reduce disruption associated with fossil fuel shortages... (wikipedia)

If our nation wants to reduce global warming, air pollution and energy instability, we should invest only in the best energy options. Nuclear energy isn't one of them.
Every dollar spent on nuclear is one less dollar spent on clean renewable energy and one more dollar spent on making the world a comparatively dirtier and a more dangerous place, because nuclear power and nuclear weapons go hand in hand.
There is no need for nuclear. The world can be powered by wind, water and sun alone.
You could power America with renewables from a technical and economic standpoint. The biggest obstacles are social and political - what you need is the will to do it.
You can power the entire U.S. vehicle fleet with 73,000 to 145,000 five-megawatt wind turbines. That would take between one and three square kilometers of footprint on the ground.