Mathieu Kerekou — Politician born on September 02, 1933, died on October 14, 2015

Mathieu Kérékou was President of Benin from 1972 to 1991 and again from 1996 to 2006. After seizing power in a military coup, he ruled the country for 19 years, for most of that time under an officially Marxist–Leninist ideology, before he was stripped of his powers by the National Conference of 1990. He was defeated in the 1991 presidential election, but was returned to the presidency in the 1996 election and controversially re-elected in 2001... (wikipedia)

I would like to solemnly reaffirm, that poverty is not a fatality.
Whether we are poor among the poorest, or less poor among the wealthier, let us stand proud and noteworthy, united and strong, comforted by our belonging to the Community of the Free Nations of our Planet.
Poverty should not be viewed by us as a humiliation and even less so as a position of honour or a fatality.