Maximilien Robespierre — French Leader born on May 06, 1758, died on July 28, 1794

Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre was a French lawyer and politician, and one of the best-known and most influential figures of the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror... (wikipedia)

Terror is only justice: prompt, severe and inflexible; it is then an emanation of virtue; it is less a distinct principle than a natural consequence of the general principle of democracy, applied to the most pressing wants of the country.
Atheism is aristocratic; the idea of a great Being that watches over oppressed innocence and punishes triumphant crime is altogether popular.
Any law which violates the inalienable rights of man is essentially unjust and tyrannical; it is not a law at all.
The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.
Crime butchers innocence to secure a throne, and innocence struggles with all its might against the attempts of crime.