Michael Gurian — American Author

Michael Gurian is an American author and social philosopher. He works as a marriage and family counselor and corporate consultant. He has published twenty-eight books, several of which were New York Times bestsellers. He is considered, along with Leonard Sax, as one of the major proponents of the post-modern "single-sex academic classes" movement... (wikipedia)

Soul development depends on attachment and bonding. Every brain and body is genetically wired to develop itself, but the full soul development of brain and body depends on each child receiving the care of between two and five completely bonded caregivers.
Classrooms keep getting set up more and more around the verbal and less around the kinesthetic and active. They are increasingly becoming environments that favour the girls' brain.
Father's Day is hopefully a time when the culture says, 'This is our moment to look at who our men and boys are.'
A mother's job... is very much to hold back the coming of manhood.
Most teachers are not trained in how boys and girls learn differently.