Nigel Kneale — English Writer born on April 18, 1922,

Thomas Nigel Kneale was a British screenwriter. He wrote professionally for more than 50 years, was a winner of the Somerset Maugham Award, and was twice nominated for the British Film Award for Best Screenplay. In 2000, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Horror Writers Association... (wikipedia)

All stories should have some honesty and truth in them, otherwise you're just playing about.
People who believe in flying saucers are the scrapings from the bottom.
The trick is the paradox - turning your story inside out. Now if it is something that appears to be of total normality and then suddenly turns inside out and is a different thing all together then that's fun to write.
You get to Hollywood and you are in the land of big money where they don't like to see only one screenwriter's name. It's much better if you've got four or five.
I don't judge other people's work and I don't see enough of it either.