Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Agriculture is a business that has been up to its bib overalls in politics since the first Thanksgiving dinner kickback to the Indians for subsidizing Pilgrim maize production with fish head fertilizer grants.
I've been wearing jeans all my life. I remember my first denim as a kid because my mum used to buy me OshKosh overalls.
Reese Witherspoon is as cute as a button on Raggedy Ann's overalls, but irresistible raw sex appeal is not one of her qualities.
I grew up in the '90s, so I've definitely resurrected many looks from my youth lately, including overalls, jelly shoes, and, of course, Doc Martens.
I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world.
The reason a lot of people do not recognize opportunity is because it usually goes around wearing overalls looking like hard work.
I have this arsenal of high-waisted wide-leg '70s pants and overalls. They are more roller-disco than Alexander Wang overalls.
When I was 16, I filmed an episode of 'Full House' where my family goes to Disney World. I remember putting on baggy overalls just to hide my stomach. When I watched it, I was pretty disappointed and bummed out looking at myself... I didn't feel good about my own body.
I am wrestling with the overalls trend. I wore so many pairs in junior high, and no one thought they were cute. Perhaps I'll try them cuffed with a tasteful crop top?