Panayiotis Zavos — Greek Scientist born on February 23, 1944,

Panayiotis Michael Zavos, or Panos Zavos, is a biologist from Cyprus. He is also an American citizen who currently lives in Lexington, Kentucky. Zavos' career is as a reproductive specialist and has gained fame from claiming to clone human beings... (wikipedia)

We're not interested in cloning the Michael Jordans and Michael Jacksons of the world, but rather assisting infertile couples that deserve the right to have a biological child to have one.
We are not interested in cloning the Michael Jordans and the Michael Jacksons of this world. The rich and the famous don't participate in this.
We're not lawbreakers, we're law-abiding, and intend to stay that way.
My motivation is my desire to help people. If people want to have children and cannot in the normal way, and I can do something about it, then I will do so.
If we intensify our efforts we can have a cloned baby within a year or two, but I don't know whether we can intensify our efforts to that extent. We're not really under pressure to deliver a cloned baby to this world. What we are under pressure to do is to deliver a cloned baby that is a healthy one.