Our goal has been to stay true to what people most love about the original Pirates! while upgrading, enhancing, and in some cases, re-inventing the game to make it a great experience for today's gamers.
We wanted to step off our island and add the color of the third world. We got gold cigarette paper and stuck it around our teeth. We really did look like pirates and dressed to look the part.
I've always been a huge fan of the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' movies.
Pirates are the very essence of profit maximising entrepreneurs described in neoclassical economics. Yet, whilst films such as 'The Pirates of the Caribbean' and 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid' have gone a long way to popularise both pirates and outlaw behaviour, the truth of the matter is that piracy is illegal, and it kills.
What I like about fairy tales is that they highlight the emotions within a story. The situations aren't real, with falling stars and pirates. But what you do relate to is the emotions that the characters feel.
Robots should stand up for themselves and not try to be humans. They should either utterly destroy us or protect us from aliens. And vampires. And pirates.
I wondered how they would top the Pirates and skeletons and moonlight, because that's a pretty cool concept.
I would say probably Pirates of Silicon Valley just because I'm proud of the work, playing Gates.
I don't really know much about pirates, or pirate culture. I'd be a contrarian pirate.
My major league debut came at old Busch Stadium on Grand Avenue in St. Louis against the Pittsburgh Pirates.