Five million Jews are regarding me as a traitor, but six billion people around the world think me as a hero and a good man who bring the message to all the human beings that we should survive and prevent the use of nuclear weapons and to prevent the nuclear preparations and to prevent nuclear war in the future.
I make preparations both to live and to die every day, but with the emphasis on not dying, and on acting as if I was going to carry on living.
However, even during the preparations for action, we laid our plans in such a manner that should there be progress through diplomatic negotiation, we would be well prepared to cancel operations at the latest moment that communication technology would have permitted.
Death frames the high wire. But I don't see myself as taking risks. I do all of the preparations that a non-death seeker would do.
The preparations are what they are. We're here. The storm is coming. We are as best prepared as we can be as the eye of the storm approaches.
I've completed the first part of my preparations without injury problems. My speed is good and I'm doing lots of volume for strength.
I never set out to do this; I never set out to say, 'Can I break this record?' Then all of a sudden, the preparations made for the celebration put pressure on me. I said, 'Okay, I have to get there.' After 2,130, there was sort of a realization it was a foregone conclusion you're going to play tomorrow.
Da was a real fisherman. But it wasn't the catch that mattered, it was the skill of the cast, the preparation of the flies. I often think my inability to prepare, my desire to get going, are a direct result of watching my father making all those painstaking preparations before he cast his line.
Cooking turkey every year doesn't have to be monotonous - I want people to always mix it up using different spices and preparations.
None of us suddenly becomes something overnight. The preparations have been in the making for lifetime.