Richard O'Brien — English Actor born on March 25, 1942,

Richard O'Brien is a British-New Zealand actor, television presenter, writer and theatre performer... (wikipedia)

I'm surrounded by it. I have so many lovely people around me who are supportive, gentle, kind and considerate. I'm so grateful for every day that I'm on the planet and that continues to be so.
There's something about shadows because you make your own mind up about what's lurking in them.
I never wanted to be aligned to a mature group because they go off and become politicians and stuff.
I do like to be creative and I'm very lucky that I've been given different areas in which I'm able to do that - whether it be film or television or theatre or whatever. I'm also still into music and recording.
We were a Western civilisation, an English speaking civilisation, both NZ and Australia, and we had all these influences coming from both Great Britain and America to us; sending us their culture in the shape and form of movies and television.