Rick Moody — American Novelist born on October 18, 1961,

Hiram Frederick "Rick" Moody III is an American novelist and short story writer best known for the 1994 novel The Ice Storm, a chronicle of the dissolution of two suburban Connecticut families over Thanksgiving weekend in 1973, which brought widespread acclaim, became a bestseller, and was made into a feature film of the same title. Many of his works have been praised by fellow writers and critics alike, and in 1999 The New Yorker chose him as one of America's most talented young writers, listing him on their "20 Writers for the 21st Century" list... (wikipedia)

Genre is a bookstore problem, not a literary problem.
It's also true, however, that having conquered the regional writer ghetto, I am now intent on conquering the nationalist writer ghetto and moving out into the world more.
I'm trying to make sure that there's comedy as well as sadness. It makes the sadness more memorable.
Impotence, fetishism, bisexuality, and bondage are all facts of life, and our fiction should reflect that.
I suppose I should say that I treasure blasphemy, as a faith of the highest order.