Rube Goldberg — American Cartoonist born on July 04, 1883, died on December 07, 1970

Reuben Garrett Lucius "Rube" Goldberg was an American cartoonist, sculptor, author, engineer, and inventor... (wikipedia)

I, I don't think anybody's continually happy, uh, except idiots, you know. You know, you have to have little moments of depression.
And, uh, I did that, and there was nothing more ridiculous to me than finding the weight of the earth because I didn't care how much the earth weighed.
I didn't have any real art training, but when I was about twelve nad thirteen, another boy and I went to a sign painter's house every Friday night and took lessons.
It just happened that the public happened to, uh, appreciate the satirical quality of these crazy things.
And uh, I'm glad that I still have my hands and my eyes to work with.