Saul Griffith — Australian Inventor born on December 30, 1974,

Saul Griffith is an Australian American inventor. He is the founder or co-founder of seven companies, including Otherlab (where he is currently CEO), Makani Power, and Instructables... (wikipedia)

Conventional turbines only work up to 200 feet, but capturing a small fraction of the global wind energy at higher altitudes could be sufficient to supply the current energy needs of the globe.
The principal and only way to make an heirloom product is to design something that people will need not just this year, but for the next 50 or 100 years.
If you have to design something, choose things that we need as opposed to frivolous things that we might just want for a month or two for bragging rights.
I think in reality, today, if you use the same tools as everyone else, you kind of build the same products.
I think there's an infinite number of cool technology sports that should exist that don't.