Seymour Cray — American Businessman born on September 28, 1925, died on October 05, 1996

Seymour Roger Cray was an American electrical engineer and supercomputer architect who designed a series of computers that were the fastest in the world for decades, and founded Cray Research which built many of these machines. Called "the father of supercomputing," Cray has been credited with creating the supercomputer industry.Joel Birnbaum, then chief technology officer of Hewlett-Packard, said of him: "It seems impossible to exaggerate the effect he had on the industry; many of the things that high performance computers now do routinely were at the farthest edge of credibility when Seymour envisioned them.".. (wikipedia)

The trouble with programmers is that you can never tell what a programmer is doing until it's too late.
If you were plowing a field, which would you rather use? Two strong oxen or 1024 chickens?
Anyone can build a fast CPU. The trick is to build a fast system.
Parity is for farmers.
As long as we can make them smaller, we can make them faster.