Todd McFarlane — Canadian Artist born on March 16, 1961,

Todd McFarlane is a Canadian cartoonist, artist, writer, designer and entrepreneur, best known for his work in comic books, such as the fantasy series Spawn... (wikipedia)

Here is a fear for me, I never wanted to be one of those guys that was defined by a body of work 20 years old.
I'm tired of trying to get other people to see into my brain. I'm done.
A lot was happening, plus there were an enormous number of people in the industry that were going to conventions, so it was a pretty fun time. Also there was a lot of controversy and I was at the forefront of some of that.
It can't really happen today the way it did back then and part of that is because I think there's a bit of a competitive scare over at Marvel and DC so they lock guys up with exclusive contracts.
If I ever do anything, it actually might be some fantasy elf thing or even some cute, funny thing. Just to do something a little bit out of the ordinary. I've done my superhero gig.