Traian Basescu — Romanian Politician born on November 04, 1951,

Traian Băsescu is a Romanian politician, who served as the fourth President of Romania from 2004 to 2014... (wikipedia)

We are the country that has attracted the biggest volume of foreign investment in southeastern Europe in the past few years. Romania doesn't need to beat itself, believing that it is a second-class citizen.
I never promised you a rose garden.
I ask you to stand by my side in the next five years. We shall live a good life in a Romania of all Romanians.
The increase in salaries at private companies has exploded, and Romania also faces a labor shortage, especially in construction. We believe that the Romanian market will remain an incentive, so that migration will not be an issue.
Even the National Bank of Romania doesn't have the huge resources needed to intervene in the market and keep the leu at an acceptable level, because they're drawing close to a floor below which the bank's reserves can't drop. The central bank has to wait for a moment of calm to efficiently conduct its interventions.