Wes Boyd — American Activist born on December 29, 1960,

Wes Boydis an American businessman. In 1987, he and his wife Joan Blades were the co-founders of Berkeley Systems, a San Francisco Bay area software company. After selling the company in 1997, Boyd and Blades went on to found the liberal political group MoveOn.org in 1998... (wikipedia)

The party has to be much more. It has to connect in a real way with rank-and-file members and be their voice.
The party currently is about fund-raising and occasionally blasting out ads.
I actually think that one of the most dangerous phenomena is the bowing to expertise, whether it's in international relations or how to use technologies.
The Democratic Party had no idea how to use the Internet. They treated it like free money and then kept on doing all the rest of the things they normally do.